BIOM 7280 Nervous System



Vollbrecht, Phillips
Term 2

Nervous System provides a fundamental understanding of neurological basic science principles and introduction to the application of these principles to diagnosing and treating neurological diseases. The six-week course covers normal features and processes of the nervous system, including embryology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and immunology, and relates these to pathologies of the nervous system. The course explores the organization, development, and physiology of the human central nervous system in relation to the essential principles of neurological function. This exploration extends from the cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuronal signaling to the organization and function of sensory and motor systems and of higher order, integrative systems. The course provides an understanding of the neural and vascular anatomy of the human brain and spinal cord that is sufficient for localizing lesions within the central nervous system and that supports understanding and performing an effective neurological examination. The course equips students to interpret impairments of sensation, motor function, and cognition that accompany neurological injury and disease, as well as to develop and test mechanistic hypotheses to explain clinical signs and symptoms. The course provides an introduction to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments for neurological disorders, as well as to basic principles of neuropathology and neuroradiology. Clinical cases are presented in a team-based learning format to provide reinforcement of basic science concepts as they relate to clinical applications.