Cardiovascular provides a fundamental understanding of cardiovascular basic science principles, and the application of this knowledge to cardiovascular diseases. The six-week course covers normal features and pathological processes of the cardiovascular system, including an integrated presentation of embryology, anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and immunology, and their relation to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Woven through these topics is the practical introduction to key elements of the physical examination of the heart, and basic electrocardiogram interpretation. In addition, current evidence supporting methods of risk assessment, diagnostic testing, and pharmacologic prevention and management of cardiovascular disease are examined. Clinical scenarios such as shock and bradycardia are presented in high fidelity simulation. In addition, clinical cases are presented in a team-based learning format, including valvular heart disease, atherosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction, congenital heart defect, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmias, The simulations and team-based learning cases provide reinforcement of basic science concepts as they relate to clinical applications.
Sheakley, Reinoehl
All Year 1 Medical Degree courses
Term 1