The online course catalog lists all courses and clerkships currently offered by the medical school for all educational programs. The medical school offers the following degrees:

  • Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree
  • Master of Science (MS) degree in Biomedical Sciences
  • Master of Science (MS) degree in Medical Engineering

Courses for each educational program may be accessed using the list on the left, or by the department using the list below.

ALHS Allied Health Sciences MEDU Medical Education
ANESAnesthesiology OBGYObstetrics and Gynecology
BINFBiomedical Informatics ORTHOrthopaedic Surgery
BIOMBiomedical Sciences PATHPathology
CLINClinical Education and Training PEDSPediatric and Adolescent Medicine
EMEREmergency Medicine PROFProfession of Medicine
EPIDEpidemiology PSYCPsychiatry
FMEDFamily and Community Medicine RADRadiology
GLOHGlobal Health RESResearch
INDIndependent Study SIMMedical Simulation
MEHLMedical Ethics, Humanities, and Law SURGSurgery
MEDMedicine TRANTransition
MEDEMedical Engineering WELLWellness